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Writer's pictureCailey Patterson

Date Night on a Budget Ideas

Hello Lovelies,

As a college student that is in a relationship, and is always looking for fun, new things to do for date night. I thought that for todays blog, I would compile a list of fun date night ideas that can be done on a budget and at home.

Date Night Budget Idea List

1. A Picnic

This is one of my favourite date ideas. Grab all of your favourite foods, pack it up in a bag or a basket along with a blanket. And drive to your favourite scenic place or in your very own backyard, and enjoy the food, the view, and most importantly the company.

2. Movie Night

If you love movies just as much as I do, then you understand, the great feeling you get, when you smell popcorn, when you hear the beginning of the movie, and when the lights go out, and this date idea is perfect for you. Going to the movie theatres is expensive, and most theatres are currently closed due to the pandemic, but how good would it feel to sit in the comfort of your home with the person you love and watch your favourite movie. You can choose a movie new or old on a streaming service you use (Netflix, Prime Video, Crave, etc.) or you can rent a movie (on Demand, YouTube, Prime Video, etc.) If you want to make it really feel like a real movie theatre, make some popcorn, buy your favourite candy, and beverage, and you are set. If you want to make a cozier movie night, grab some pillows and blankets and snuggle up.

3. Dinner for Two

If you are someone who loves to cook, then this is the perfect date night idea for you. Pick a meal that the both of you love, and make it together. This date night idea is a fun way to work with your significant other, create something amazing, and then enjoy the final product together. It is a fun date night because you not only get to spend time with your love but also work with them.

4. Sip and Paint

If you love to express yourself with creativity and your significant other does too, this is a fun date night for the two of you. Buy some canvases, paint, brushes, and your favourite drink. Set up a table with all of the stuff to paint, some glasses with your favourite beverage, and create masterpieces to give to each other or place them in your living place to always remember that date.

5. Game Night

If you love board games and video games then this would be a fun date night idea. Grab some snacks, your favourite board games for two, or video games for your console, put your phone away, and enjoy a little friendly competition with the person you love. This would be a nice casual night to spend with your significant other where you can let loose and have fun.

I hope you lovelies enjoyed todays blog post. I have done most of these ideas with my own boyfriend but there are a couple on this list that I would like to try myself. If you try any of these ideas and take pictures I would love to see! Tag me on Instagram @iamcaileypatterson or email them to me at: That all for today lovelies, talk to you in the next post.

~ Cailey

*all of the pictures used in this post were taken from UnSplash

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